
  1. If you need to cancel an order, please contact us before the order has been shipped.
  1. If you notice any Defects in the Products Received or a Missing Item, please contact us within 24 hours of receiving the shipment by mailing the Order Details with Images on
  2. In this case, we will Issue a Full Refund (Product + Shipping) for the Defective or Missing Product.
  3. If for any reason, you need to return the Products, please contact us within 7 days of receiving the order by dropping a mail at with the Order Id.
  4. We will process the request and get the products collected back.
  5. After we receive the returned product to our office, we will inspect the product, if all Tags are intact and the product is in perfect condition we will issue a full refund.
  6. COD Charges are Non-refundable.


  1. If you need to cancel an order, please contact us before the order has been shipped. We will issue a Full Refund for the Same.
  2. Shipped Orders Cannot be Cancelled.
  1. If you notice any Defects in the Products Received or a Missing Item, please contact us within 24 hours of receiving the shipment by mailing the Order Details with Images on
  2. In this case, we will Issue a Full Refund (Product + Shipping) for the Defective or Missing Product.
  3. If for any reason, you need to Return a Product, you need to Courier the Product back to Us and Provide us with a Valid Tracking ID within 7 Days of Delivery.
  4. Return Shipping Charges are to be borne by the Customer.
  5. After a QC Check, a Full Refund will be issued for the Product.
  6. The Shipping Charges are Non-Refundable.
  7. At this point we do not Support any Exchange Requests for International orders.