
  1. Shipping within India is Free on All Pre-paid Order.
  2. COD Charge is INR 100/- Irrespective of the Order Value and Number of Products Purchased.
  3. Max Order Value for COD Orders is INR 5000/-
  4. All Domestic Orders are Shipped within 48 hours and Delivered in 2 to 6 Working Days.
  5. Tracking Information will be Sent to your Registered Mobile Number or Email ID.
  6. In case you need to make any Modifications in the Products Selected or Address Details in a Confirmed Order, please contact us within 2 hours of placing the order. We will help you in making the changes.
  7. For Bulk Order Request and Quotations, please mail us at


  1. All International Orders are subject to an INR 750 per KG Shipping Charge.
    (Please Check the Product Weight and Dimensions Mentioned in the Details of all Our Product Pages.)
  2. Our International Delivery Partner is DHL Express.
  3. All International Orders are Shipped within 48 hours and Delivered in 4 to 12 Working Days.
  4. Any Import Duty or Taxes Charged at the Destination are to be Borne by the Customer.
  5. In case you need to make any Modifications in the Products Selected or Address Details in a Confirmed Order, please contact us within 2 hours of placing the order. We will help you in making the changes.
  6. For Bulk Order Request and Quotations, please mail us at